Austin  |  Jun 24, 2019

With so much information circulating the internet, we wanted to set the record straight on a handful of common misconceptions we often hear. These are the top five Keto myths .... busted:

1. The high amounts of fat consumed on the Keto diet leads to heart disease

According to a 2017 study, a LCHF/keto diet boasts results that debunk this myth. Not only is it proven to lower LDL (what we know as "bad" cholesterol)  but it also happens to raise HDL, which actually protects us from heart disease. Additionally, consider the fact that obesity is linked to hypertension and an enlarged left ventricle (left ventricular hypertrophy), increasing the risk for heart failure. It has been proven time and time again that the keto diet can lead to significant weight loss especially for obese, at-risk people. Dropping hundreds of pounds in these cases can assist in reducing the risk of heart disease as well.

2. You won't get your necessary intake of vegetables or fruits (nutrient deficiencies)

If you’re concerned about all the carb-heavy vegetables you will have to cut out when you go keto, fear not. There are plenty of options that will fit your macronutrient needs. Among the low-carb vegetable options are broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, asparagus, spinach, kale, and zucchini. The list goes on further, but it’s a good starting point to get your greens, and proof that you will only be deficient in these areas if you make the personal choice to avoid eating them. As for fruit, berries are a solid staple. Cherries, watermelons, kiwis, coconut meat are also ripe for the taking. (See what I did there.)

3. Keto diets only provide short-term solutions

The suggested timeline for anyone just starting out with keto is a commitment of two to three months. There are ways to cycle in and out of ketosis safely, in order to give your body intermittent breaks without causing any drastic changes. People have been known to stick to this way of eating for up to 10 years, while incorporating the occasional break away from ketosis, without any adverse health effects. Ultimately, it is best to listen to what works best for your body and keep your doctor informed along the way.

4. Women will get "Keto crotch"

Everyone’s response to keto is different—especially in the beginning when your body is transitioning from glucose-burning to fat-burning. Some will get keto flu, some will get keto breath, and some won’t have any reactions at all. More recently, though, many women opened up about their experience with what has since been dubbed, “keto crotch.” Essentially, it’s a shift in vaginal odor, causing the smell to become undesirably potent. Many OB/GYNs speculated that any significant change in the diet may have an impact on the pH of the vagina, which may be perceived as a change of scent. There isn’t much medical literature about keto crotch because it’s considerably rare among women. However, for the women who were facing this side-effect, it was reported that it only lasted for a couple of weeks before subsiding (like most keto-related symptoms).

5. The keto diet has not been around long enough to support any real health claims

It may seem as though LCHF/keto is a fad diet that just became popular in the past year or two, but the truth is that people have been implementing this way of eating since the 1920s. It was originally developed for patients with epilepsy by researchers working at Johns Hopkins Medical Center, and ever since, dozens of studies have shown that the diet offers real benefits. We’ve learned that it can go beyond its improvements for epilepsy and have a positive effect on those with cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and autism.


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